Detroit Tournament

Pittsburgh teams finished 17th and 19th against strong competition today at the Great Lakes Regional in Detroit Michigan.  More details to follow.

WBQA Championships

Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon. Location to be announced

League Quiz : Ephesians 3-6; Philippians, Colossians, Philemon

2nd Half Finals

League Quiz : Ephesians 3-6; Philippians, Colossians 1-3

Chicago Tournament : Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians

Geneva, IL

League Quiz : Ephesians 3-6, Philippians

Pittsburgh takes 2nd and 5th place.

Pittsburgh teams finished 2nd and 5th place at the 2007 Pittsburgh Kickoff tournament held on October 13th. Finishing 2nd was Pittsburgh 1 with Alex, Paul, Elizabeth, Sarah and Dave. Finishing 5th was Pittsburgh 2 with Tucker, Clark, Zack and Ryan. Alex also placed second individual and was awarded the Quiz Masters choice award.

Snowflake Tournamet : Galatians, Ephesians, Phillippians 1-2

Hershey, PA

League Quiz : Ephesians 3-6; Philippians 1-2

League Quiz : Ephesians 3-5